Sem I
Functional English-I Core 1: Fundamentals of Microbiology Core 2: Cell Biology DSE Allied-1: Chemistry-I Core Practical – I- Basic Techniques in Microbiology I DSE Allied-1–Practical Chemistry-I |
Sem II
Functional English-II Core 3: Basic Biochemistry Core 4: Microbial Growth & Control DSE Allied-2: Chemistry-II Core Practical – 2Basic Techniques in Microbiology II DSE Allied-2: Practical – Chemistry II |
Advanced English Language – I Core 5: Microbial Ecology and Diversity Core 6: Agricultural Microbiology Core 7: Food and Environmental Microbiology DSE Allied -3: Animal Science Core Practical – 3 Basic and Applied Microbiology DSE Allied -3: Practical – Animal Science |
Sem IV
Advanced English Language – II Core 8: Microbial Metabolism Core 9: Analytical Techniques Core 10: Immunology DSE Allied – 4: Plant Science Core Practical – 4Microbial Metabolism, Analytical Techniques and Immunology DSE Allied -4 Practical Plant science Microbiology Outreach activity |
Sem V
Core 11: Medical Microbiology Core 12: Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Core 13: Microbiology and Health Care (Self Study) Core 14:CBT (Computer Based Test for Core Courses of Sem I to IV) DSE-Core 1 Quality Assurance and Quality control / Bioethics & IPR Core Practical- 5Medical Microbiology & Bioinformatics DSE-Core 1 –Practical Quality Assurance and Quality Control / Bioethics and IPR |
Sem VI
Core 15: Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Core 16: Industrial Microbiology DSE Core 2 Advances in Microbiology / Fundamentals of Research Methodology Core Practical- 6 Industrial Microbiology & Molecular Biology DSE Core 2 Practical Advances in Microbiology / Fundamentals of Research Methodology |
AECC-1: Environmental Science SEC-1: Value Education for consciousness development Research Project / Training / Internship Generic Elective-1- From Common UG Pool |
Sem I
Sem II
Sem IV
- The Department maintains the legacy of providing quality education for 27 years
- The largest department having highest student strength
- One of the oldest setup for microbiological studies at Saurashtra region
- The department consistently produces rank holders (top 10) at Saurashtra University
Intensive course structure and integrated teaching-learning process
Follows outcome based education (OBE) based curriculum
Offers induction for fresher’s and remedial classes to overcome difficulties
Integrates human values for personal development as a part of curriculum
Offers an array of programs and courses in UG and PG level
Highly qualified and motivated faculty members
Posses excellent infrastructure and lab facilities
Offers a range of Co-curricular, Value added courses for skill development
Strong Alumni base. Alumni are placed in high positions in diverse fields.
- High placement record for UG and PG students
- Summer placement of students to various industries and institutes
- Participation in various Conference/Workshops etc
- Department regularly organizes inter-departmental and inter-college events for students.