• No of papers: 05
• Total Citation: 35
• h-index : 04
Publications (Last 5 Years)
1. Shivangi H. Bhatt, Neepa D. Pandhi, A Study of Prevalence of Extended Spectrum ß- Lactamase (ESBLs)in Community & Hospital samples. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2014,8(12) 2014.0974-6943
2. Nilkanth Faldu*, Shivani Patel, Nutan Prakash Vishwakarma, Anil Kumar Singh, Khushbu Patel, Neepa Pandhi, Genetic Diversity of Marine and Fresh Water Cyanobacteria from the Gujarat State,Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2014, 5 December 2014. Print: 2156-8456. Online: 2156-850
3. S.H.Bhatt & N.D.Pandhi, Study Of Prevalence Of β-Lactamase In Clinical Samples International Journal of Pharmacy & Biological Science, 2015, 2230-7605.
4. S.H.Bhatt & N.D.Pandhi, Wide Spread Prevalence Of Β-Lactam Resistance Among Bacterial Species Obtained From Non-Clinical Samples. International journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, Vol-3(2), 248-255, 2015. ISSN 2091-2609
5. Nishant Junnarkar, Neepa Pandhi, Nirali Raiyani, Nikhil Bhatt and Rajnikant Raiyani, Production of Lipase by Phanerochaete chrysosporium MTCC 787 Through Solid State Fermentation of Wheat Straw and Assessing its Activity Against Reactive Black B, International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 1, 812- 819.January 2016.ISSN NO 2320-5407
6. Shivangi Bhatt, Archana Rana, Neepa Pandhi, Effect of Cell Free Culture Filtrate of Probiotic Isolates on the Growth of Pathogenic Isolates. Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Volume 11, Issue 3 Ver. III PP 105-110 (May - Jun.2016), e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN: 2319-7676.
7. Jadeja P. L.Pandhi N. D Isolation and Primary Screening of Biosurfactant Producing Marine Bacteria From Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil and Water Samples of Sikka Coastal Area, Gujarat, India
8. International Journal Of Scientific Progress And Research (IJSPR) Volume-24, pg-89 – 93June - Number - 2016ISSN: 2349-4689
9. Shivangi h. Bhatt, Neepa D. Pandhi Phenotypic Detection of various β-Lactamase from Urinary Isolates. Journal of Pharmacy Research10 (8), 566 – 571. August 2016.ISSN: 0974-6943
10. Nishant Junnarkar, Neepa Pandhi, Biosorption Of Reactive Black B By Dried Fungal Biomass International Journal of Advanced Research- 5(8), 940-946.August 2017. ISSN: 2320-5407
11. Nishant Junnarkar, Neepa Pandhi Solid State Fermentation Of Wheat Straw For Production Of Mnp By P.Chrysoporium MTCC 787.International Journal of Advanced Research- 5(8), 852-857August 2017.ISSN: 2320-5407
12. Nishant Junnarkar, Neepa Pandhi, Decolorization Of Reactive Black B By Paenibacillus
Dendritiformisstrain Cs2a4 International Journal of Current Advanced Research, Volume 6; Issue 8; 5212-5217 August 2017; ISSN: O: 2319-6475
13. Minaxi Parmar, Dr. Neepa Pandhi, Dr. Prabhudas Patel, Dr. Vijaykumar Gupta, Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus (HR-HPV) As a Risk Factor in HNSCC Patients of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat. International Journal of Health Science and Research- Vol-7, Issue-11, 63-69.November 2017: ISSN: 2249-9571
14. Minaxi Parmar, Dr. Neepa Pandhi, Dr. Prabhudas Patel, Clinical Evaluation of Sialic Acid In Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients and Tobacco Chewers or Smokers with No Cancer. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Vol-10(4), 2027-2033.October 2017.ISSN: 0974-6242 . Online- 2456-2610
15. P.L.Jadeja, N.D.Pandhi, A Comparative Study Of Emulsification Efficacy Of Biosurfactants Produced From Marine Bacteria And Chemical Surfactants "Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases", Vol-38, No. 2 (July-December 2017), 122-129. January 2018.ISSN: Print- 0970-9320.Online- 0974-0147
16. Bhumika Joshi, Neepa Pandhi, Isolation, Screening and Characterization of Metal tolerant bacteria from soil of Industrial area, Research Matrix, Vol-1, Issue-7, 274-284,February 2018.ISSN: 2321-7073
17. Bhumika Joshi, Neepa Pandhi, Biodegradation of E-waste by selected bacteria, Research Matrix, Vol-2, Issue-9, 207-214. April 2018, ISSN: 2321-7073
• No of papers: 05
• Total Citation: 56
• h-index : 03
• Seminar, Conference ,Workshops: 51
• Conference Proceedings :02
Prominent Publications:
1. Nilkanth Faldu, Shivani Patel, Nutan Prakash, Anil Kumar Singh, Khushbu Patel, Neepa Pandhi, (2014), Phylogenetic Diversity of Marine & Fresh water Cyanobacteria from the Gujarat State of India, Advances in Bioscience & Biotechnology, Dec. 2014, Vol.05 No.14, 1061-1066.
2. Akhilesh Upgade, Nilkanth Faldu, B Kaleeswaran (2018) Insilico Analysis of non-Structural Protein (NS4b) from DENV-2 Indian Strain for Antiviral Drug Discovery Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.11: 1671-1676
3. Prakash N, Patel S, Faldu NJ, Ranjan R, Sudheer DVN. (2010) Molecular Docking Studies of Antimalarial Drugs for Malaria. J Comput Sci Syst Biol 3:070-073.
4. Shivani P, Khushbu P, Faldu N, Thakkar V, Shubramanian RB. 2011. Extraction and analysis of Jatropha curcas L. seed oil. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(79). 18210-18213.
5. Jadhav T S, Faldu NJ, Patel P, Narolkar SN & Nerurkar AS. (2005). Alcaligenes faecalis kw-A biofilm for denitrification of nitrate-rich effluent. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.43:542-547.
• No of papers: 02
Prominent Publications:
1. Parmar M, Pandhi N, Patel P. Clinical Evaluation of Sialic Acid In Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients and Tobacco Chewers or Smokers with No Cancer. Biomed Pharmacol J 2017;10(4).
2. Parmar M, Pandhi N, Patel P. Prevalence of high-risk human Papilloma virus (HR-HPV) as a risk factor in HNSCC patients of Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Int J Health Sci Res. 2017; 7(11):63-69.
• No of papers: 08
1. Exploring the Biotechnological Application of Halophilic Archaea. Soni Apexa, Hajela Puja, Monica Patel. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2012 - Vol. 6 No. (3) pp: 1185 – 1197.
2. Synthesis and characterization of PHB by Haloarcula sp.AB19 isolated from saltpans around Bhavnagar coast. Apexa H Soni, B. P. Dave, Puja S. Hajela. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2012. Vol. 6 No. (4) pp: 1735 – 1743.
3. Diversity of halophilic Archaea at salt pans around Bhavnagar Coast, Gujarat. B.P.Dave and Apexa Soni. Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 2013. Vol. 83 No. (2) pp: 225 – 232.
4. Isolation and Screening of moderate halophiles for Industrially Important Hydrolytic Enzymes. Dr. Apexa Patadia, Hemangi Mehta and Amisha Lungariya, The International Journal of Science and Technoledge. 2015 Vol. 3 (8) pp: 317 – 325. (ISSN - 2321- 919X) (URL http://www.theijst.com/ ) .
5. Analysis of physico-chemical parameters of salt pans at Newport and Nari situated around Bhavnagar Coast. Apexa Patadia and Bharti P. Dave, Journal of Ecobiotechnology. 2015 Vol. (7) pp:1 – 9. (ISSN - 2077-0464)(URL - http://scienceflora.org/journals/index.php/jebt/issue/view/214).
6. Isolation, Screening and Quantification of Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) from extreme halophilic Archaea. Apexa Patadia and Bharti P. Dave, International Journal of Scientific Research.2016 Vol.5 (2) pp: 92-96 (impact factor of 3.2416 & Index Copernicus IC Value: 69.48)
7. Media optimization for β-ketothiolase in production of Poly β-hydroxybutyrate from Haloarcula sp. 1, An extreme halophilic Archaea. Dr. Apexa Patadia and Bharti P. Dave, International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. 7(2) 2016, pp 65-73.
8. Purification of β-ketothiolase from Halophilic Archaea Haloarcula sp.1 isolated from Bhavnagar Coast, Gujarat, India. Dr. Apexa Patadia and Bharti P. Dave, International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, Vol. 6 (3). 2016, pp L1 - L6. (Impact factor- 0.672).
• No of papers: 02
• Total Citation: 0
1. S.Sujata Chaware, M.N.kothari and Joshi A.S. (2010),A comprehensive study of antagonism with special reference to Pseudomonas species as bio control of fungal diseases of banana plant ,Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental science.vol-12,Issue-4,pp727-730. Scopus cited. [NAAS:3.07]
2. Amruta P. Kanakdande, Chandrahas N. Khobragade, Abhijeet S. Joshi and Mangesh N. Kothari (2016), Renewable Fruit Wastes -Source for Production of Levansucrase by SSF using Bacillus megaterium isolate. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research(IJBR) vol-7,Issue-2,pp644-650.[IF-2.41]
• No. of Paper: 15
• Book Chapter-01
• Book: 01
• Review :01
• Conference Proceedings :04
• Research Articles: 11(National -05 & International-06)
• Total Citation: 26
Prominent Publications:
1. A book entitled “Synthesis, characterization and application of gold nanoparticles: A brief introductionon synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Actinobacteria (2016). Manikprabhu Narsing Rao, Wen-Jun Li., Mousumi Das. In Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN Number:978-3-659-90434-9.
2. A book chapter entitled Green synthesis of metal/metal oxide nanoparticles towards biomedical applications: Boon or Bane, , chapter-11 :In a Proposed Book Green Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanoparticles. Mousumi Das and Saptarshi Chatterjee.. Elsevier's SciVerse ScienceDirect, India. ISBN No.-978-0-08-102579-6. (In press for publication).
Conference Proceedings :
3. Mousumi Das and Daynand Agsar . 2014. Studies on enhanced production, optimization and anticancer attributes of L-glutaminase from Streptomyces enissocaesilis DMQ 24 mu 4.UGC Sponsored National Conference Proceedings on Emerging Protein Technologies for Formulation Solutions. ISBN No: 9789382694182.
4. Mousumi Das., Dayanand Agsar., ShivaveeraKumar S. 2013. Online conference proceedings entitled, Production of L-glutaminase by Streptomyces rochei detected from the lime stone quarries of deccan trap. A published paper in JPAM.LINK: http://books.biolimpublishers.com/pub/BOB003A0015.
5. M. K. Veeraiah, P. Hemalatha, K. V. Anasuya, C. Anupama, Mousumi Das.2016. A Comparative Study on the Antimicrobial Property of Quaternised Copolymers N-vinylpyrrolidone - Dimethyl Amino Ethyl Methacrylate and N-vinylpyrrolidone - Vinyl Benzyl Chloride. Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science. S1: 17-21. ISSN No.: 2320-0898.( An International Peer Reviewed Chemistry Journal). GIF:0.453; SJIF :2.63; An International Conference Proceeding “ICMAT”2016,28th-29th May-2016.
6. Hemalatha P., M. K. Veeraiah., K. V. Anasuya., Anupama C. Mousumi Das.2016. Studies on Copoly (N-Vinylpyrrolidone – Acrylic acid) – as an Antimicrobial. International Journal Of Innovative Research & Development. 5 ( 11).A National Conference Proceeding on “Recent Advances in Industrial Engineering and Applied Chemistry” (Under TEQIP-II 1.2) being organized by SSIT, Maraluru, Tumkur-572105 on 21st and 22nd Oct,2016.
7. Mousumi Das., Dayanand Agsar., ShivaveeraKumar S. 2013. Production of L-glutaminase by Streptomyces rochei detected from the lime stone quarries of deccan trap. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 7 (3): 2251-2260. ISSN No.: 0973-7510; Impact Factor:0.073 (2013 ); NAAS RATING 6.00 (2015); SCI and Scopus Indexed.
8. M K Veeraiah, Hemalatha P, Netkal M Madegowda, Mousumi Das, Anupama C.2017. Synthesis, Characterization and Anti Microbial Studies of Copoly (N-Vinylpyrrolidone – Maleic Anhydride) with N,N-Diethylaminoethanol. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology. 5(2): 80-83. ISSN Number : 2321-9009.
9. Manjushree.C, Prasanna Kumar B C, Ishwarya R, Harish R, Mousumi Das. 2017. Production and Purification of Tyrosinase Enzyme employing Streptomyces rubrocyanodiastaticus UGC13 mu3.International Journal of Science And Innovative Engineering & Technology.2:1-17. ISBN Number : 978-81-904760-9-6.
10. Venkat M Shinde, Mousumi Das and Jai Shanker Pillai H P.2015. Enhanced Production of Secondary Metabolites and Synthesis of New PhenolicCompounds Due to VAM Fungus Inoculation in Ocimum sanctum.International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. 2(10):170–175.ISSN Number : 2348-8369.
11. Venkat M Shinde, Mousumi Das and Jai Shanker Pillai H P.2015. Diversity and Distribution of VAM Fungi in soilsof Kalaburagi District, Karnataka. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. 2(8):24–28.ISSN Number : 2348-8369.
12. Das Mousumi and Agsar Dayanand 2013. Production and antioxidant attribute of L-glutaminase from Streptomyces enissocaesilis DMQ-24.International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.2 (3): 1-9. ISSN Number : 2278-5299.
13.Lalithamba Haraluru Shankraiah, Raghavendra Mahadevaiah, Uma Kogali,Yatish Kalanakoppal Venkatesh, Mousumi Das, Nagendra Govindappa.2018.Capsicum annuum fruit extract: A novel reducing agent for the green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles and their multifunctional applications. Acta Chimica Slovenica (ACSi). 65: 354–364. DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2017.4034. ISSN Number: 1318-0207. SCI and Scopus cited. Impact Factor: 1.1.
National Journal Publications:
14. Mousumi Das., Dayanand Agsar., ShivaveeraKumar S. 2013. Production of L-glutaminas by Streptomyces rochei detected from the lime stone quarries of deccan trap. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 7 (3): 2251-2260. ISSN No.: 0973-7510; Impact Factor:0.073 (2013 ); NAAS RATING 4.00 (2018); SCI and Scopus Indexed.
15. Deene ManikPrabhu, Juan Cheng, Wei Chen, Anil Kumar, Sunkara, Sunilkumar B .Mane, Ram Kumar, Mousumi Das, Wael N. Hozzein, Wael N. Hozzein, Yan-Qing Duan, Wen – Jun Li. 2016.Sunlight mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles by a novel actinobacterium (Sinomonas mesophila MPKL 26) and its antimicrobial activity against multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B : Biology. 158:202-205. ISSN No.: 1011-1344; Impact Factor (5yrs) -3.4; NAAS RATING:8.67. Science Direct, Elsevier Publication; Thomson Reuter, Scopus, SCI cited.
16. Sukrutha.G.K, Abhilash.V.P. Mousumi Das. 2017. Exploration of Plastic Degrading Actinomycetes from Deccan Trap of Karnataka. Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Technology. 1(1):1-35.ISSN No. : 2456-7841.
17. Ishwarya R, Harish R, Manjushree C, Prasanna Kumar B C, Mousumi Das.2017. Production of Streptomyces Melanozymes through SsF & its Antioxidant Attributes. Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Technology. 1(1):14-19. ISSN Number : 2456-7841.
18. Role of Diet and Lifestyle on Individual Health: A Global Public Health Concern. Shreya Savaliyar Saptarshi Chatterjeer, Mousumi Das, Payal Varsani. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. lnstitute of Medico-Legal Publications. (In press). ISSN No.:0976-0245; Scopus Cited.
Review Articles:
1. Mousumi Das, Hima Raythata and Saptarshi Chatterjee.2017.Bacterial Transformation: What? Why? How? And When? Annual Research & Review in Biology. 16(6): 1-11. ISSN: 2347-565X. Scopus Indexed. UGC enlisted. NAAS RATING: 4.79.
• No. of Paper: 18
• Book Chapter/Book: 01
• No. of Patent: 01
• Total Citation: 67
Prominent Publications:
1. Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker. Method for extraction of algae retaining higher antioxidant activity. Indian Patent 295737, September 23, 2009.
Research Articles:
1. Jigna G. Tank, Rohan V. Pandya, Vrinda S. Thaker (2017) Changes in radical scavenging activity of normal, endoreduplicated and depolyploid root tip cells of Allium cepa, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(7): 1538-1546.
2. Bloch Reema, Divya Detroja, Rohan V. Pandya, Jigna G. Tank (2017) Salvadora persica: A potential source for treatment of Hypercholesterolemia, Plant Archives, 17(2): 955-960.
3. Jigna G. Tank, Rohan V. Pandya, Vrinda S. Thaker (2015) IAA and zeatin controls cell division and endoreduplication process in quiescent center cells of Allium cepa root, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 20(2): 124-129 .
4. Jigna G. Tank, Rohan V. Pandya, Vrinda S. Thaker (2014) Phytohormones in regulation of the cell division and endoreduplication process in the plant cell cycle, RSC Advances, 4: 12605-12613.
5. Snehal B. Bagatharia, Madhvi N. Joshi, Rohan V. Pandya, Aanal S. Pandit, Riddhi P. Patel, Shivangi M. Desai, Anu Sharma, Omkar Panchal, Falguni P. Jasmani, Akshay K. Saxena (2013) Complete mitogenome of Asiatic lion resolves phylogenetic status within Panthera, BMC Genomics, 14:572.
6. M. N. Joshi, A. Sharma, A. S. Pandit, R. V. Pandya, A. K. Saxena, S. B. Bagatharia (2013) Draft genome sequence of the Arthrobacter crystallopoietes BAB-32, reviling genes for bioremediation, Genome Announcements, 1(4):e00452-13
7. Nakum Nidhi, Jigna G. Tank, Rohan V. Pandya, Vrinda S. Thaker (2013) Influence of phytohormones on growth and development of internode of V. quadrangularis, Plant Achieves, 13(1): 469-476.
8. M. N. Joshi, A. Sharma, A. S. Pandit, R. V. Pandya, A. K. Saxena, S. B. Bagatharia (2013) Draft genome sequence of the halophilic bacterium Halobacillus sp. strain BAB-2008, Genome Announcements, 1(1): e00222-12.
9. M. N. Joshi, A. Sharma, A. S. Pandit, R. V. Pandya, A. K. Saxena, S. B. Bagatharia (2013) Draft genome sequence of Brevibacillus sp. strain BAB- 2500, a strain that might play an important role in Agriculture, Genome Announcements, 1(1):21-13.
10. M. N. Joshi, A. C. Sharma, R. V. Pandya, R. P. Patel, Z. M. Saiyed, A. K. Saxena, S. B. Bagatharia (2012) Draft genome sequence of Pontibacter sp. nov. BAB1700, A halotolerant, industrially important bacterium, Journal of Bacteriology, 194(22): 6329-6330.
11. Rohan V. Pandya (2011) Comparison and optimization of DNA isolation protocol for Ulva (Ulvaceae), Seaweed Research and Utilization Journal, 32:1-7.
12. Nidhi M. Nakum, Viralkumar B. Mandaliya, Rohan V. Pandya, Vrinda S. Taker (2011) A simple and efficient protocol for high quality of DNA from Vitis quandrangularis L., Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2(1): 87-95.
13. Vralkumar Mandaliya, Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2011) CSNP: A tool for harnessing the genetic potential of Cotton, Cotton Research Journal, 2(1): 1-14.
14. Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2010) Peroxidase Activity of Marine Algae Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskal) Ag. and Enteromorpha sp., Proceedings of the International Conference on Algal Biomass, Resources and Utilization-2009, 95-99.
15. Viralkumar B. Mandaliya, Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2010) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): A Trend in Genetics and Genome Analyses of Plants, General and Applied Plant Physiology, 36(3-4):159-166.
16. Viralkumar B. Mandaliya, Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2010), Genetic diversity analysis of cotton (Gossypium) hybrids, Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 24(2):127-132.
17. Viralkumar B. Mandaliya, Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2010), Comparison of cotton DNA extraction methods for the high yield, quality from various cotton tissue, Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 24(1):9-12.
18. Jigna G. Tank, Rohan V. Pandya & Vrinda S. Thaker (2007), Changes in Indole- acetic acid and zeatin levels during endoreduplication, Journal of Scientific and Agriculture Research, 68(242):59-70.
Book Publication
Book Author
1. Kinnari Zala, Rohan Pandya, Krupa Nanavati (2014) DNA Barcoding of Pterocarpus santilinus and its certifications, Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN: 978-3-659-62556-5).
Book Translator
2. Vinod Pandya, Rohan Pandya (2012) Understanding Biotechnology as Biotechnology Parichay (From English to Gujarati), Published by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
• No of papers: 06
• Book Chapters: 01
• Total Citation: 148
Prominent Publications:
1. Patel V., Munot H., Shah V., Shouche Y.S. and Madamwar D. (2015) Taxonomic profiling of bacterial community structure from coastal sediment of Alang-Sosiya shipbreaking yard near Bhavnagar, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 101: 736-745. (IF - 3.0)
2. Sayeed S.K.¶, Shah V.¶, Chaubey S., Singh M., Alampalli S.V. and Tatu U.S. (2014) Identification of heat shock factor binding protein in Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria Journal 13: 118. (IF - 3.5;¶ equal authors)
3. Singh M., Shah V. and Tatu U. (2014) A novel C-terminal homologue of Aha1 co-chaperone binds to heat shock protein 90 and stimulates its ATPase activity in Entamoeba histolytica. Journal of Molecular Biology 426: 1786-1798. (IF - 3.9)
4. Shah V., Zakrewski M., Wibberg D., Eikmeyer F., Schlüter A. and Madamwar D. (2013) Taxonomic profiling and metagenome analysis of a microbial community from a habitat contaminated with industrial discharges. Microbial Ecology 66: 533-550. (IF - 3.3)
5. Shah V. and Madamwar D. (2013) Community genomics: Isolation, characterization and expression of gene coding for azoreductase. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 79: 1-8. (IF - 2.1)
6. Jain K., Shah V., Chapla D. and Madamwar D. (2012) Decolourization and degradation of azo dye-Reactive Violet 5R by an acclimatized indigenous bacterial mixed cultures-SB4 isolated from anthropogenic dye contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials213-214: 378-386. (IF - 4.7)
7. Shah V., Jain K., Desai C. and Madamwar D. (2012) Molecular analyses of microbial activities involved in bioremediation. In Satyanarayana, T. and Johri, B.N. (Eds) Microbes in environmental management and biotechnology. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Springer, pp. 221-247.
8. Shah V., Jain K., Desai C. and Madamwar D. (2011) Metagenomics and integrative ‘-omics’ technologies in microbial bioremediation: Current trends and potential applications. In Marco, D. (Eds) Metagenomics: Current innovations and future trends. Norfolk, UK, Caister Academic Press, pp. 211-240.
• No of papers: 17
• No. of Book: 01
• Total Citation: 17
Prominent Publications:
1. A book entitled “Effect of Ageing on Biochemical Parameters in Sesame Seed”. Chitra Bhattacharya (2014). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-27112-0.
Research Articles:
1 .Bhawana Pandey, A.K. Shrivastava, SabihaNaz, Chitra Bhattacharya. (2012) Study on uses of traditional Indian health medicines. An International referred Research JournalSunder Subhesh.7:8-9. ISSN: 0976-9552
2 .PoonamVerma, VarshaChandrakar, Chitra Bhattacharya (2012). Antibiotic sensitivity treatment for gram negative bacteria isolated from pus sample. An International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science.2 (3) : 359-363. ISSN: 2230-7605.
3 .Bhawana Pandey,SabihaNaz, Chitra Bhattacharya, A.K. Shrivastava (2012). Studies on antibacterial property of oyster mushroom (Pleurotusfloridaand Pleurotussajor-caju). National Journal of Life Science.9(1):123-127. ISSN : 0972-995X.
4 .C. Bhattacharya, B. Pandey, P.Verma, V. Chandrakar (2012). Molecular cloning and expression of the lux genes of Vibrio fischeri. Advance Research in Pharmaceuticals & Biologicals ( A Peer Reviewed international Journal for Pharmaceutical and Allied Research).2(III). ISSN: 2250-0774.
5 .Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhagyashree Deshpande, Bhawana Pandey (2013). Isolation and Characterization of Rhizobium sp. form Root of Legume plant (Pisumsativum) and Its Antibacterial Activity against Different Bacterial strains. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science. 3(4)138-141. ISSN: 2249-8516.
6 .Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhawana Pandey, SeemaParoha (2013). Effect of Physico-chemical changes in Sesame (SesamumindicumL.) seed due to storage. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 3(3):254-257. ISSN: 2278 - 5957 (Online).
7 .Bhagyashree Deshpande, Bhawana Pandey, Chitra Bhattacharya (2011). Isolation, Purification and Testing of Antimicrobial Activity of Beta-Lactam antibiotics from Fungus. Journal Basic Applied Mycology. 10 (I and II): 83-87.
8 .Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhawana Pandey, VarshaChandrakar (2013). Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Bioluminescent Bacteria (Vibrio haveyi&Vibrio Fischeri) from Marine Water. International Journal of Pharmacology and Biological sciences. 7(3) :59-67. ISSN: 0973-6808.
9 Bhawana Pandey,Chitra Bhattacharya,Sheetal Singh (2013). Effect of Pesticides and Insecticides on Biofertilizer. International Journal of Advanced Biological Research. 3(4):563-566. ISSN: 2250-3790.
10 .VarshaChandrakar, Bhawana Pandey,Chitra Bhattacharya (2013). Antibacterial Activity of Crude Extract of Leaves of Pteropermumacerifolium. Indian Journal of Science.5(14) :63-66. ISSN: 2319-7730.
11 Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhagyashree Deshpande, Bhawana Pandey, SeemaParoha (2014). Effect of Ageing on Storage in Biochemical and Antioxidant Characterization of Sesame (Sesamumindicuml.) Seeds. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.4(1):384-389. ISSN : 2231-6876.Impact Factor-0.85.
12.Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhawana Pandey, SeemaParoha (2014). Effect of Storage on Mineral Components and Anti-nutritional Characters of Sesame (Sesamumindicum L.) Seeds. Indian Journal of Scientific Research. 4(1):25-30. ISSN: 0976-2876.
13.Chitra Bhattacharya, P. Harsha, Sadhana Gupta, Soni Roy (2014). Isolation and Characterization of Bacterial Isolates from Agricultural Soil at Durg District. Indian Journal of Scientific Research. 4(1):25-30. ISSN: 0976-2876.
14. Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhawana Pandey (2015). Isolation & Characterization of Rhizobium Species and Its Effect on Growth on Monocot Plant Used as Biofertilizer. International Journal of Research. 2(1) :597-604. ISSN: 2348-6848.
15. Chitra Bhattacharya, Bhawana Pandey, Ashis Kumar Sarkar (2016). Study of Lipase Producing Bacterial Strains from Oil Contaminated Soil. Journal of Basic and Applied Research. 2(4): 512-515. ISSN: 2413-7014.
16. Chitra Bhattacharya, NehaShrivastava, Rushpalika, Hempushpa (2017). Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from paddy field of Bhilai region. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5 (11): 77-80. ISSN: 2321-3310. Impact Factor-0.453.
• No of papers:
• No. of Book:
• Total Citation:
Prominent Publications:
• No of papers: 02
• Total Citation: 05
Prominent Publications:
Research Articles:
1 . Factors Affecting in vitro Propagation Of BacopaMonniera, NidhiSaxena, NidhiKatare, Global Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume-5, Issue-8, July- 2016, 57-66.
2 . Analytical and processing technologies for medicinal plants (Chapter 13), Rohit Sharma, NidhiSaxena in a book entitled “Recent Progress In Medicinal Plants, Vol 41 (Analytical And Processing Techniques)” Studium Press LLC, USA(2015) ISBN: 1-62699-078-6.
3 . Conventional method for saponin extraction fromChlorophytumborivilianum, Sharma Rohit, SaxenaNidhi, Thakur Gulab S, SanodiyaBhagwan, JaiswalPallavi, in Global Journal of research on medicinal plant and indigenous medicine, Volume 3, Issue 2, 33-39. ISSN 2277-4289
4. Mycological studies of the municipal sewage waste water from Swarnrekha River, Gwalior. NidhiSaxena, PragyaSaxena, D.S. Rathore, SandhiTomar, in Creative Discourse (A Peer Reviewed International Interdisciplinary Bi-annual Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 89-98. ISSN: 2348-9979.
- The Department maintains the legacy of providing quality education for 27 years
- The largest department having highest student strength
- One of the oldest setup for microbiological studies at Saurashtra region
- The department consistently produces rank holders (top 10) at Saurashtra University
Intensive course structure and integrated teaching-learning process
Follows outcome based education (OBE) based curriculum
Offers induction for fresher’s and remedial classes to overcome difficulties
Integrates human values for personal development as a part of curriculum
Offers an array of programs and courses in UG and PG level
Highly qualified and motivated faculty members
Posses excellent infrastructure and lab facilities
Offers a range of Co-curricular, Value added courses for skill development
Strong Alumni base. Alumni are placed in high positions in diverse fields.
- High placement record for UG and PG students
- Summer placement of students to various industries and institutes
- Participation in various Conference/Workshops etc
- Department regularly organizes inter-departmental and inter-college events for students.