The Department of Chemistry endeavors to be recognized for excellence in Teaching – Learning adjunct by empowering graduating students to compete in and contribute to the developing needs of the society
Department of Chemistry strives to provide quality teaching-learning, research and service opportunities leading to holistic development of students through collegial exchange of ideas, independent thought, and the highest ethical standards.
- Provide high quality academic experiences through comprehensive & relevant curriculum at all UG & PG levels.
- Foster research aptitude by extending infrastructural support and research guidance.
- Inculcate the values of multi-disciplinary approach and innovative thinking by facilitating learning experiences in the field of chemical sciences and its allied fields
- Produce knowledgeable graduates for careers in academia, industry and GOs/NGOs.
- Promote ethical and professional environment amongst faculties and students of the department.
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 1968 and it is the oldest department of the college. Currently department offers UG, PG & Ph.D. Programs under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Department of Chemistry has state-of-the art laboratory and classroom facilities, equipped with modern teaching and learning tools. Department of Chemistry has adequate and competent faculty members having diverse teaching and research experience with exposure from national and international institutes. The Department of Chemistry offers consultancy and collaborative MOU with various Academia and Industries for the training & Placement of the students.
- Earn while Learn Schemes
- Entrepreneurship development
- Central Instrumentation Facility
- Quality Teaching learning practices