Consultancy / Earn while learn scheme:
- Soil Health Card Program-GoG
- Synthetic Consultancy: Organic products on small and large scale, method development
- Analytical Consultancy: Sample analysis / methods development on HPLC, GC-Ms, IR, UV, MPAES, Flash Chromatography.
Extracurricular Activities
- Educational Tours
- Overseas Carrier Opportunity Seminar
- Chemistry Popularization Activity- Various School visit to department
- Food Adulteration & Analysis Workshop
- Slogan & Poster Competition-Theme: Save Water
- Each One Teach One Awareness lectures – Blood Donation
- Single Girl Child Club
- Visit to Orphanages, Physically Challenged, Old Age Homes, Beggars’ Homes
About the Department
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 1968 and it is the oldest department of the college. Currently department offers UG, PG & Ph.D. Programs under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Department of Chemistry has state-of-the art laboratory and classroom facilities, equipped with modern teaching and learning tools. Department of Chemistry has adequate and competent faculty members having diverse teaching and research experience with exposure from national and international institutes. The Department of Chemistry offers consultancy and collaborative MOU with various Academia and Industries for the training & Placement of the students.
Best Practices At Department
- Earn while Learn Schemes
- Entrepreneurship development
Department Highlights / Exclusive
- Central Instrumentation Facility
- Quality Teaching learning practices